Wk 8 — Art Activity — Student Choice, Part 1

Bryce Cheung
Oct 18, 2020

What you plan to do — I want to make a detailed sketch of a fictional character .

Why you want to do it — I have not been able to spend that much time drawing as when I was younger, and it has been quite a while since I drew something for hours on end. I used to draw as a therapeutic thing in my life, but have been so busy/distracted to do so.

What resources you will need — I’m going to need a decent pencil, eraser and a nice sturdy piece of paper to draw on. I will probably have to go to a nearby Target to get a nice piece of drawing paper.

What concerns you might have — Time is going to be my biggest concern. I have class/work for most of the week, so I will have to manage my time well and hopefully be able to work on the project for at least 3+ days so that I can have a good product come next Sunday night.

